Stories from ...,  Travel

Haggling in Naples, Italy

Image by ds_30 from Pixabay

Haggling is a skill, and it’s one I’m yet to master.

Naples in December was warm and sunny. After dumping our luggage at our hotel we went out to explore. The chaotic streets were lined with men selling their wares and so my friend and I decided to buy some sunglasses. We walked past a couple of sellers stealing glances at their sunglasses as we went. Once we reached the end we selected one seller to return to and I quickly chose mine, asked for the price, paid, and happily moved away. Refocusing my attention to my friend, I saw her negotiating between different sellers. How had I not even thought of doing that? In the end, for the price of €10 I had one pair of sunglasses and she had three. Learn from my mistake, when in Rome (or Naples to be exact), haggle.

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